miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015

Pro games of SKATE are so impressive

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aikrg0QRtXg&t=2m40s via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1LloC0s

Pro games of SKATE are so impressive


Submitted October 01, 2015 at 12:24AM by BrickEater http://ift.tt/1LloC0s

Bill Nye the Thug Life Guy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpwxTx4xnJ8&feature=youtu.be via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1KSTYWR

Bill Nye the Thug Life Guy


Submitted October 01, 2015 at 12:11AM by Enixtn http://ift.tt/1KSTYWR

My friend made a series of Snapchat videos after he was left home alone for the weekend

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f15U2bktE9E via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1MHBpri

My friend made a series of Snapchat videos after he was left home alone for the weekend


Submitted September 30, 2015 at 09:59PM by ThatsBadForm http://ift.tt/1MHBpri

How to lay the smackdown on your child

https://youtu.be/K5PqBfXrtIM via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1Gin93H

How to lay the smackdown on your child


Submitted September 30, 2015 at 07:56PM by dontfearmegypsy http://ift.tt/1Gin93H

Garlic skills.


Submitted September 30, 2015 at 01:55PM by hgbleackley http://ift.tt/1LQ5eYq

Garlic skills.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y5h1pDHhzs via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1LQ5eYq

Please bear, eat this woman.


Submitted September 30, 2015 at 07:12PM by oshkibob http://ift.tt/1GijAuk

Please bear, eat this woman.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU5cMZymSr0 via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1GijAuk

Bill Nye discusses how incredible it is that flowing water has been found on Mars... and the "Nightly Show" proceeds to bring in ignorent panelists that disrespect him, his work, and declare that we shouldn't even give a fuck about this discovery. (repost since Op deleted the last one)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yy7GOO7Y96Y via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1N25rcx

Bill Nye discusses how incredible it is that flowing water has been found on Mars... and the "Nightly Show" proceeds to bring in ignorent panelists that disrespect him, his work, and declare that we shouldn't even give a fuck about this discovery. (repost since Op deleted the last one)


Submitted September 30, 2015 at 05:54PM by Azberg http://ift.tt/1N25rcx

Jon Hendren defends Edward Scissorhands on HLN

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3r51QI4Ctw via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1KS476f

Jon Hendren defends Edward Scissorhands on HLN


Submitted September 30, 2015 at 03:12PM by jvcthome http://ift.tt/1KS476f

Bill Nye discusses how incredible it is that flowing water has been found on Mars... and the "Nightly Show" proceeds to bring in ignorent panelists that disrespect him, his work, and declare that we shouldn't even give a fuck about this discovery


Submitted September 30, 2015 at 03:59PM by MulciberTenebras http://ift.tt/1KSi1oM

Bill Nye discusses how incredible it is that flowing water has been found on Mars... and the "Nightly Show" proceeds to bring in ignorent panelists that disrespect him, his work, and declare that we shouldn't even give a fuck about this discovery

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yy7GOO7Y96Y via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1KSi1oM

Jelly Tennis - The Slow Mo Guys


Submitted September 30, 2015 at 02:31PM by Sudo_apt-get_install http://ift.tt/1Lkpkv2

Jelly Tennis - The Slow Mo Guys

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mZovjRlkWs via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1Lkpkv2

The Guys Making $1000 A Week Waiting In Line For People

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtCA3BnYO7U via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1L46OFk

The Guys Making $1000 A Week Waiting In Line For People


Submitted September 30, 2015 at 12:14PM by elshizzo http://ift.tt/1L46OFk

Human World (Rémi Gaillard)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1k4tyPuIOQ via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1LP6aft

I work at a pub in my hometown, we do open mic nights every Tuesday...This guy came and blew the roof off the joint.

https://youtu.be/GKiM5Ha905I via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1haNKJd

Human World (Rémi Gaillard)


Submitted September 30, 2015 at 11:59AM by tempskawt http://ift.tt/1LP6aft

I work at a pub in my hometown, we do open mic nights every Tuesday...This guy came and blew the roof off the joint.


Submitted September 30, 2015 at 12:38PM by jordywalky http://ift.tt/1haNKJd

Two phones, both on private, two calls made, couldn't have gone any better.

https://vid.me/KVfZ via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1OFHxnn

Two phones, both on private, two calls made, couldn't have gone any better.


Submitted September 30, 2015 at 05:32AM by Kroucher http://ift.tt/1OFHxnn

Want grandchildren? Do it for mom.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B00grl3K01g via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1j0pOdF

Want grandchildren? Do it for mom.


Submitted September 30, 2015 at 06:04AM by Nicolaiw http://ift.tt/1j0pOdF

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015

Grab That Auto 5


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 10:50PM by masonclark http://ift.tt/1j03KQ5

Grab That Auto 5

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yU6WC4dpaHM via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1j03KQ5

Man gets good news about his testicular cancer

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlHqQZxfhC4 via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1O0HpgA

Man gets good news about his testicular cancer


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 09:14PM by lebasilic http://ift.tt/1O0HpgA

Disappointing Drops

https://youtu.be/LOTN39u3t0I via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1KQcgad

Disappointing Drops


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 09:03PM by Jose_Monteverde http://ift.tt/1KQcgad

Katy Perry gets felt up by ROLLING fan she brought on stage.


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 09:02PM by BombGeek http://ift.tt/1KQcezl

Katy Perry gets felt up by ROLLING fan she brought on stage.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=79&v=-Xqe-O5Vnqk via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1KQcezl

A guy I knew in high school just passed his 9G centrifuge test and looked great doing it

https://youtu.be/xYP5hb789gM via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1KJLrYm

A guy I knew in high school just passed his 9G centrifuge test and looked great doing it


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 08:57PM by Pidgey_OP http://ift.tt/1KJLrYm

"Am I being detained?" "Yes."


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 07:29PM by marysville http://ift.tt/1GfpPiv

"Am I being detained?" "Yes."

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYsKj-bx8hY via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1GfpPiv

Trooper confronting drone enthusiast gets immediately shut down by sergeant.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUE50xRpIuo via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1GfpPix

Trooper confronting drone enthusiast gets immediately shut down by sergeant.


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 07:29PM by jonyiquest http://ift.tt/1GfpPix

Greatest thing I've seen in a long time


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 04:44PM by NOT_ah_BOT http://ift.tt/1jvAG37

Greatest thing I've seen in a long time

https://youtu.be/XAg5KjnAhuU via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1jvAG37

Dogs don't understand our language my ass!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGdbPXR97lY via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1iJaT6H

Dogs don't understand our language my ass!


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 05:39PM by tpcca http://ift.tt/1iJaT6H

New trailer for Leonardo Dicaprio's 'The Revenant'. Looks so good.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoebZZ8K5N0&feature=youtu.be via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1QJK3GK

New trailer for Leonardo Dicaprio's 'The Revenant'. Looks so good.


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 02:19PM by jonbrandoncruz http://ift.tt/1QJK3GK

My cousin asked me how to get more hits on his Youtube channel. I told him rock makes everything better. I think he took me too literally

https://youtu.be/DItNLDqdaM8 via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1FFDDb9

My cousin asked me how to get more hits on his Youtube channel. I told him rock makes everything better. I think he took me too literally


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 12:36PM by eposnix http://ift.tt/1FFDDb9

Important information regarding 3rd party licensing agencies

Hello there. A sticky from us at /r/videos to announce a new policy change in this subreddit.

TLDR: 3rd party licensing agencies are now banned

Of late, we've seen a rise in the presence of licensing companies on /r/videos . What these companies supposedly do is contact the owners of popular videos, be they on YouTube, LiveLeak, etc... and shop the rights out for them to news agencies, websites, other content creators (maybe a t.v. show for funny clips, or educational videos for well produced content). They promise to do all the hard work for you...farm the clip out to their sales network, prosecute people using your content without your permission, and the like. All without annoying YouTube ads.

TL:DR : Companies promise to do hard work and make you money, while you sit back and relax. They promise you results.

Sounds lovely, in theory. These schemes always do. I mean hey, your content's getting re-uploaded without credit to fortune 500 firms Facebook pages, large radio stations websites, and the like. Surely you deserve some of the sales revenue they generate from inflating their visitor statistics off the back of your content, right? Especially when things like watermarks are commonly removed, and zero credit/link forwarding is given. It's a problem, and the solution isn't super clear. "Freedom of all things on the internet" is a great ideal, you could even argue people shouldn't expect to retain "ownership" of anything uploaded online...but when large companies are making bank off others content, with flagrant disregard for attribution, it leaves a bad taste.

In theory, it's great that someones taking a stand against it, and willing to go out there to bat for you. Make that money! However time and time again, we've seen the majority of these companies to date try gaming Reddit. At the minor end of the scale, they submit and upvote content from fake accounts. Sometimes they'll set up YouTube channels so they have total control over the spam chain. Employees fail to disclose their company affiliation, and outright try to socially engineer having their competitor's submissions removed and channels banned by filing false reports/comments on posts. Ironically, champions of rights are at war, and trying to take out other creators original content in the process.

We are concerned by the systematic culture of gaming websites and abusing them for corporate gain that seems to have become the norm in this role they are trying to perform. We are concerned that legitimate content creators may not be aware of how much these tactics are pissing off various forums, message boards, and subreddits that would otherwise be welcoming of their content. We are concerned that these creators may not even be getting a financially good deal from these companies.

These companies are also penny pinching from hosting platforms by bypassing their own monetization process...thereby giving back absolutely nothing to the platforms that actually host the content. In all honesty, it's a clever business model. In fact LiveLeak now owns "Viralhog", so they generate revenue in this manner (as they don't have traditional video ads).

The internet is a free for all. But in this subreddit, we want to create a corner of the net that's as-close-as-possible to being a fair playing field. As moderators, interested in the future of this subreddit and website as a whole, we all agree these companies stink.

Bottom line: 3rd party licensing agencies have been using vote manipulation and other deceptive tactics to gain an unfair advantage over other original content creators in /r/videos and we plan to put an end to it.

From this day forward any and all videos "rights licenced" by a 3rd party entity are banned from being submitted from this subreddit.

Any and all videos that become "rights licenced" post-submission to this subreddit will be removed, no matter how far up the front page they may be.

Submitted September 29, 2015 at 04:43PM by videos_mod http://ift.tt/1VpFdjk

Important information regarding 3rd party licensing agencies

Hello there. A sticky from us at /r/videos to announce a new policy change in this subreddit.TLDR: 3rd party licensing agencies are now bannedOf late, we've seen a rise in the presence of licensing companies on /r/videos . What these companies supposedly do is contact the owners of popular videos, be they on YouTube, LiveLeak, etc... and shop the rights out for them to news agencies, websites, other content creators (maybe a t.v. show for funny clips, or educational videos for well produced content). They promise to do all the hard work for you...farm the clip out to their sales network, prosecute people using your content without your permission, and the like. All without annoying YouTube ads.TL:DR : Companies promise to do hard work and make you money, while you sit back and relax. They promise you results.Sounds lovely, in theory. These schemes always do. I mean hey, your content's getting re-uploaded without credit to fortune 500 firms Facebook pages, large radio stations websites, and the like. Surely you deserve some of the sales revenue they generate from inflating their visitor statistics off the back of your content, right? Especially when things like watermarks are commonly removed, and zero credit/link forwarding is given. It's a problem, and the solution isn't super clear. "Freedom of all things on the internet" is a great ideal, you could even argue people shouldn't expect to retain "ownership" of anything uploaded online...but when large companies are making bank off others content, with flagrant disregard for attribution, it leaves a bad taste.In theory, it's great that someones taking a stand against it, and willing to go out there to bat for you. Make that money! However time and time again, we've seen the majority of these companies to date try gaming Reddit. At the minor end of the scale, they submit and upvote content from fake accounts. Sometimes they'll set up YouTube channels so they have total control over the spam chain. Employees fail to disclose their company affiliation, and outright try to socially engineer having their competitor's submissions removed and channels banned by filing false reports/comments on posts. Ironically, champions of rights are at war, and trying to take out other creators original content in the process.We are concerned by the systematic culture of gaming websites and abusing them for corporate gain that seems to have become the norm in this role they are trying to perform. We are concerned that legitimate content creators may not be aware of how much these tactics are pissing off various forums, message boards, and subreddits that would otherwise be welcoming of their content. We are concerned that these creators may not even be getting a financially good deal from these companies.These companies are also penny pinching from hosting platforms by bypassing their own monetization process...thereby giving back absolutely nothing to the platforms that actually host the content. In all honesty, it's a clever business model. In fact LiveLeak now owns "Viralhog", so they generate revenue in this manner (as they don't have traditional video ads).The internet is a free for all. But in this subreddit, we want to create a corner of the net that's as-close-as-possible to being a fair playing field. As moderators, interested in the future of this subreddit and website as a whole, we all agree these companies stink.Bottom line: 3rd party licensing agencies have been using vote manipulation and other deceptive tactics to gain an unfair advantage over other original content creators in /r/videos and we plan to put an end to it.From this day forward any and all videos "rights licenced" by a 3rd party entity are banned from being submitted from this subreddit.Any and all videos that become "rights licenced" post-submission to this subreddit will be removed, no matter how far up the front page they may be. via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1VpFdjk

documentary about how lil dicky managed to make a successful music video for $0

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkXpb20b-NQ&feature=youtu.be via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1GeWqVw

documentary about how lil dicky managed to make a successful music video for $0


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 01:35PM by fattehboi http://ift.tt/1GeWqVw

Kid nails perfect 900


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 12:04PM by chavram http://ift.tt/1VoQTmd

Kid nails perfect 900

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yE5yTBqVNvI via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1VoQTmd

Contestant has to guess what's in the box. Completely misses the point of the game, hilarity ensues!


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 06:01AM by Hoo-Man http://ift.tt/1KPkkJh

Contestant has to guess what's in the box. Completely misses the point of the game, hilarity ensues!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHP-Td7LZw8 via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1KPkkJh

A cat meowing under water.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6rA_gRfbSs via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1Vkseoa

A cat meowing under water.


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 06:03AM by MartySpecial http://ift.tt/1Vkseoa

Reporter attacked by a guy in a huge bowling pin costume after bowling a strike

https://youtu.be/8EDq3cjHhz0 via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1MXzEJu

Reporter attacked by a guy in a huge bowling pin costume after bowling a strike


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 09:49AM by mybustersword http://ift.tt/1MXzEJu

Jerry Seinfeld gives a brutally honest acceptance speech and explains why all awards are stupid

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u-dxn8IgQo via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1FAf2og

Our super intelligent office lighting system turns the lights off if there's no movement in the room for 20 minutes. I got tired waving my hands below the motion sensor every 20 minutes.


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 08:33AM by senarvi http://ift.tt/1MDpmeC

Jerry Seinfeld gives a brutally honest acceptance speech and explains why all awards are stupid


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 10:47AM by FG_kano http://ift.tt/1FAf2og

Our super intelligent office lighting system turns the lights off if there's no movement in the room for 20 minutes. I got tired waving my hands below the motion sensor every 20 minutes.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKXDfDPMjyI via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1MDpmeC

The Name's Pickering, Ronnie Pickering.


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 07:20AM by MuckingFagical http://ift.tt/1iHu6Ws

The Name's Pickering, Ronnie Pickering.

http://ift.tt/1PKAUgO via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1iHu6Ws

[NSFW] Belgian Sex Education Everybody

https://youtu.be/CBlQSH5kWA4 via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1jtMgLZ

[NSFW] Belgian Sex Education Everybody


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 09:26AM by TheRoboteer http://ift.tt/1jtMgLZ

The X-Files has been off the air since 2002. FOX just released a trailer for the series revival.


Submitted September 28, 2015 at 11:13PM by urmotherismylover http://ift.tt/1LLmwWr

The X-Files has been off the air since 2002. FOX just released a trailer for the series revival.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=45&v=v1K0e2Juvf0 via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1LLmwWr

Trevor Noah's First Daily Show Opening

https://vid.me/OZf2 via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1NYErJv

Trevor Noah's First Daily Show Opening


Submitted September 29, 2015 at 01:31AM by Quidfacis_ http://ift.tt/1NYErJv

This just got officially named the National Rugby League's best try of the 2015 season.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyEYtlETcUY via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1iG1w7X

This just got officially named the National Rugby League's best try of the 2015 season.


Submitted September 28, 2015 at 07:16PM by spatchcock http://ift.tt/1iG1w7X

Chewbacca Toilet paper

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1X8jgrMhc4 via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1RceINJ

Chewbacca Toilet paper


Submitted September 28, 2015 at 06:25PM by patchfer http://ift.tt/1RceINJ

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015

Man gets creative with pushing his car.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRwP87itEpU via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1PKhfO2

Man gets creative with pushing his car.


Submitted September 28, 2015 at 08:35PM by SafariZoned_ http://ift.tt/1PKhfO2

Shepard Smith's breaking news story about Facebook being down.


Submitted September 28, 2015 at 04:35PM by JFX37 http://ift.tt/1iFCxRZ

So some kids at my school made a video for their homecoming dates...


Submitted September 28, 2015 at 05:58PM by Frvnny http://ift.tt/1OCMJs6

Shepard Smith's breaking news story about Facebook being down.

https://twitter.com/FoxNews/status/648579953642991616 via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1iFCxRZ

So some kids at my school made a video for their homecoming dates...

https://youtu.be/pCYMyQR6eEY via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1OCMJs6

In the butt: Arguably the greatest home video of all time


Submitted September 28, 2015 at 03:33PM by jjmn7777777 http://ift.tt/1KG9YO2

In the butt: Arguably the greatest home video of all time

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsYjdbrkWxk via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1KG9YO2

Package thief gets a taste of his own medicine

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ucld8H_NPZY via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1MVuVIq

Package thief gets a taste of his own medicine


Submitted September 28, 2015 at 05:40PM by godlessgamergirl http://ift.tt/1MVuVIq

Rate Me


Submitted September 28, 2015 at 04:08PM by jackmcmalley http://ift.tt/1MBJXAb

Rate Me

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFBitnLgJSg via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1MBJXAb

THIS is teamwork!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFb0nLCKypg&t=1 via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1GcyhyY

Who Do You Think You Are? (Feat Ronnie Pickering)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wt4K195UwH0 via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1QIB6gE

THIS is teamwork!


Submitted September 28, 2015 at 01:23PM by camperjohn64 http://ift.tt/1GcyhyY

Who Do You Think You Are? (Feat Ronnie Pickering)


Submitted September 28, 2015 at 10:42AM by CarltonLassiter http://ift.tt/1QIB6gE

The most Russian video you will see this week

https://youtu.be/LMRGgvpzMSo via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1PJfBMM

The most Russian video you will see this week


Submitted September 28, 2015 at 11:02AM by ZacatecanJack http://ift.tt/1PJfBMM

The Rules of Kabaddi explained well, one of the strangest Sports

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcyEN-3zNvM via /r/videos http://ift.tt/1P1c521