123 APP
sábado, 30 de junio de 2018
And the award for most unexpected vocals goes to... this guy right here.
https://youtu.be/nSjbxfHzKg4 via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2lLXf6X
And the award for most unexpected vocals goes to... this guy right here.
Submitted July 01, 2018 at 12:44AM by HoldTheDoor https://ift.tt/2lLXf6X
Person calls two different Papa Johns and made them talk to each other, they end up making a deal for dough
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 11:45PM by midblade https://ift.tt/2IFCrqy
Just a year ago, Apple almost got their way on a small laptop repair youtuber, Louis Rossmann. This is his reflection on the entire debacle, and him expressing his gratitude for how the community rallied behind him. Thank you for supporting people like him on this platform, y'all are amazing.
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 10:22PM by thebinderclip_ https://ift.tt/2tHgaDZ
Person calls two different Papa Johns and made them talk to each other, they end up making a deal for dough
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQn6K_-3vy0 via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2IFCrqy
Just a year ago, Apple almost got their way on a small laptop repair youtuber, Louis Rossmann. This is his reflection on the entire debacle, and him expressing his gratitude for how the community rallied behind him. Thank you for supporting people like him on this platform, y'all are amazing.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvLnWXOI7Wc via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2tHgaDZ
"Isle of Dogs" animated Sushi Scene
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 08:58PM by Jeesuz https://ift.tt/2Km6nOi
Daddy mimics son's tantrum
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 06:40PM by txstate420 https://ift.tt/2lIBFQs
"Isle of Dogs" animated Sushi Scene
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBa2_Q-ciI0 via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2Km6nOi
Daddy mimics son's tantrum
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHhqj0dqgYM&feature=share via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2lIBFQs
Lil Yachty sound like a windex spray bottle
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 01:40PM by bb_arry https://ift.tt/2tSoWP0
Lil Yachty sound like a windex spray bottle
https://youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=UsrhvvN-be8 via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2tSoWP0
who made this burger?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZhBEMpbxC4 via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2lJ5Zuj
who made this burger?
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 03:43PM by chineseouchie https://ift.tt/2lJ5Zuj
https://youtu.be/4MrnC5eZp_c via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2tSLdMJ
Nvidia - Anti-Competitive, Anti-Consumer, Anti-Technology
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 01:42PM by I-am-always-happy https://ift.tt/2yYq897
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 06:24PM by Latricc https://ift.tt/2tSLdMJ
Nvidia - Anti-Competitive, Anti-Consumer, Anti-Technology
https://youtu.be/H0L3OTZ13Os?t=2m48s via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2yYq897
Free Roller Coaster For my Kids
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGQ5W1Ri9mc via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2lGJAhg
Who remembers "How It's Made"? Well theres a YouTube channel that consistently uploads all of the original videos, and this one just blew my mind
https://youtu.be/7zFJwagLkHI via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2NcXp3r
Free Roller Coaster For my Kids
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 01:34PM by Rongpure1 https://ift.tt/2lGJAhg
Who remembers "How It's Made"? Well theres a YouTube channel that consistently uploads all of the original videos, and this one just blew my mind
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 02:27PM by BladeSplitter12 https://ift.tt/2NcXp3r
Dog concerto in A♭m
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 02:57PM by Lyoug https://ift.tt/2yZbG0K
Dog concerto in A♭m
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=St7S3YrxqW0 via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2yZbG0K
Nujabes - Aruarian Dance (Performed by 4th grade South Korean Students)😍😍
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuNdKhnauoc via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2tHBiKA
Quarterback Calls NSFW Play "F*CK Bieber!"
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 11:49AM by 4and1punt https://ift.tt/2lP4xH7
LEGO Bridge Girder
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 12:47PM by trondskij https://ift.tt/2KkRJXs
LEGO Bridge Girder
https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=P-ARijabjmY via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2KkRJXs
Quarterback Calls NSFW Play "F*CK Bieber!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvmvCwv9GL4 via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2lP4xH7
Every time a new Jurassic Park is released,I’m reminded of this clip.
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 12:24PM by b0r0n https://ift.tt/2tEWkcS
Every time a new Jurassic Park is released,I’m reminded of this clip.
https://youtu.be/nerv5YEiJok via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2tEWkcS
I am a one-liner comedian with Tourette's. When I tic, it's just the set buffering. - Benny Feldman
https://youtu.be/CWemo8jKdqs via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2lHs24F
Nujabes - Aruarian Dance (Performed by 4th grade South Korean Students)😍😍
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 07:43AM by SuicidalFuccboi https://ift.tt/2tHBiKA
I am a one-liner comedian with Tourette's. When I tic, it's just the set buffering. - Benny Feldman
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 10:29AM by BennyFeldman https://ift.tt/2lHs24F
Matt Damon impersonates John Malkovich in Rounders
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 10:15AM by timboSlice490 https://ift.tt/2IElgWr
Matt Damon impersonates John Malkovich in Rounders
https://youtu.be/KMaAT_KPSs4?t=58 via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2IElgWr
A cold and broken Waluigi
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 02:08AM by mshcat https://ift.tt/2KwQG6e
Things escalated quickly after couple tried to use a stolen credit card at a convenience store
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 05:46AM by Palifaith https://ift.tt/2MzSYic
Things escalated quickly after couple tried to use a stolen credit card at a convenience store
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0n6mCAFO1-E&feature=youtu.be via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2MzSYic
My sister has been fighting for women's rights in Pakistan for over a decade. This is her first YouTube video; Please show some support
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aInOiLdPss&t via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2KBoLi2
A cold and broken Waluigi
https://youtu.be/yQ0iTDafXuM via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2KwQG6e
With 4th of July around the corner I thought video was appropriate...
https://youtu.be/M_ni48EdmCE via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2KmVGuP
With 4th of July around the corner I thought video was appropriate...
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 04:36AM by purpleWheelChair https://ift.tt/2KmVGuP
Sidewalk Review
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cdtmy4-1lLU&t=1s via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2Kw5a2Y
Sidewalk Review
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 03:51AM by UsernameManDude https://ift.tt/2Kw5a2Y
Japanese Man Who Lived on a Deserted Island for Nearly 30 Years Forced to Return to Civilization
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 01:51AM by GerManson https://ift.tt/2MAkH2h
Advertising done right
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SKrNUq22rk via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2KjCVbC
Japanese Man Who Lived on a Deserted Island for Nearly 30 Years Forced to Return to Civilization
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mnxrLFe5qA via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2MAkH2h
Advertising done right
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 05:53PM by cheats47 https://ift.tt/2KjCVbC
Injured Man with Dislocated Arm Instructs Another on How to Fix It
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLEklCEKyx4 via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2ICZFxm
I was scammed by this place today (They broke my ignition and said I had to pay $1500 extra for them to fix it) on top of the $900 stuff they insisted was safety issues... I want everyone to be aware
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBpMe36GoW0 via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2MD7GFh
Injured Man with Dislocated Arm Instructs Another on How to Fix It
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 09:46PM by TheRealestMush https://ift.tt/2ICZFxm
I was scammed by this place today (They broke my ignition and said I had to pay $1500 extra for them to fix it) on top of the $900 stuff they insisted was safety issues... I want everyone to be aware
Submitted June 30, 2018 at 02:00AM by Flyplanehigh https://ift.tt/2MD7GFh
viernes, 29 de junio de 2018
Mediocre Piers Morgan Repeatedly Humiliated
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 11:08PM by Kartingf1Fan https://ift.tt/2tL8Czs
Mediocre Piers Morgan Repeatedly Humiliated
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ur-zp3LTMvE via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2tL8Czs
How to lift dozens of Kg using only lego and a lego motor.
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 06:36PM by tankpuss https://ift.tt/2Nd0NeD
How to lift dozens of Kg using only lego and a lego motor.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umN2iHsw3UY via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2Nd0NeD
Jay Leno Pranks Prince (The Tonight Show Clip)
https://youtu.be/wuqx1nZAsV0 via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2lGpAey
Possibly the worst audience guests on Whose Line makes Drew Carey laugh the hardest in his life (Seriously wait til the end)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3BcS2jhH5Q via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2KunYiW
Jay Leno Pranks Prince (The Tonight Show Clip)
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 04:06PM by GreatDayToday69 https://ift.tt/2lGpAey
Possibly the worst audience guests on Whose Line makes Drew Carey laugh the hardest in his life (Seriously wait til the end)
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 06:20PM by jackinmybigoldickoff https://ift.tt/2KunYiW
[OC] The Westworld intro... in LEGO
https://youtu.be/C0SL0SLBA2s via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2Kl83ay
[OC] The Westworld intro... in LEGO
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 01:51PM by critters https://ift.tt/2Kl83ay
Guy quits job with style
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH-KfJ2yqxk via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2lNjpWt
Don't act like you've never done it mom (taken from r/whotaughtyouthat)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnicntHENN8 via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2yUq3TU
Guy quits job with style
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 02:52PM by craniumcode https://ift.tt/2lNjpWt
Don't act like you've never done it mom (taken from r/whotaughtyouthat)
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 03:04PM by ParmesanHomeboy https://ift.tt/2yUq3TU
Cat Celebrating Colombia's Goal
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXP9xLrIZVs&feature=youtu.be via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2tOxvKB
This could be the best display of justified confidence in ones own skill I've ever seen in the sports world.
https://youtu.be/zIPKyuvtfc4?t=1 via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2yUq4qW
Cat Celebrating Colombia's Goal
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 01:00PM by 1234qwert https://ift.tt/2tOxvKB
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Cream Pies
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 10:02AM by Ellni https://ift.tt/2IBNAZs
This could be the best display of justified confidence in ones own skill I've ever seen in the sports world.
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 02:56PM by This_is_User https://ift.tt/2yUq4qW
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Cream Pies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY4L5RU6kyo via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2IBNAZs
Canadian convenience store arrest w/ Benny Hill theme
https://youtu.be/Zyf48QnpaAI via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2lN3NlP
Canadian convenience store arrest w/ Benny Hill theme
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 01:00PM by unknown_human https://ift.tt/2lN3NlP
British woman's amazing reaction to winning the top prize on "Catchphrase"
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 09:20AM by Hassaan18 https://ift.tt/2Kv1rG8
The Implication. This has to be my favorite exchange in TV comedy.
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 10:45AM by zThief https://ift.tt/2lJCoRK
British woman's amazing reaction to winning the top prize on "Catchphrase"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdsgeN_CKFs via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2Kv1rG8
The Implication. This has to be my favorite exchange in TV comedy.
https://youtu.be/-yUafzOXHPE via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2lJCoRK
Casually Explained: Evolution V - Millennials vs Baby Boomers
https://youtu.be/7G-SvFN5C6M via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2IDzuH1
Casually Explained: Evolution V - Millennials vs Baby Boomers
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 09:45AM by nlarauco https://ift.tt/2IDzuH1
Son races his dad's ghost on his original Xbox
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCtSgb-b7zg via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2lH47SQ
Performer stuck in traffic (little superkart overtakes car after car after car...)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Phr25XLfRXk via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2KhD0wq
Son races his dad's ghost on his original Xbox
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 06:21AM by A_french_chinese_man https://ift.tt/2lH47SQ
Performer stuck in traffic (little superkart overtakes car after car after car...)
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 05:13AM by EpicMangoDude https://ift.tt/2KhD0wq
Porsche just undercut their own Nürburgring record from 1983 by 52 seconds. This is the mental on-board footage.
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 08:44AM by Milan_F96 https://ift.tt/2KxNNC6
This video of Jon Stewart debating Tucker Carlson has aged surprisingly well
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjTajJZEjqA via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2yVcdRo
Porsche just undercut their own Nürburgring record from 1983 by 52 seconds. This is the mental on-board footage.
https://youtu.be/PQmSUHhP3ug via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2KxNNC6
A lyrebird in a zoo overheard construction sounds and started mimicking them
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0ZffIh0-NA via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2MyMUqh
A lyrebird in a zoo overheard construction sounds and started mimicking them
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 12:33AM by yupyup98765 https://ift.tt/2MyMUqh
Youtube back in 2006
Submitted June 28, 2018 at 11:08PM by ILL_PM_WHAT_YOU_ASK https://ift.tt/2KhR6Ox
Youtube back in 2006
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZ3drOM1oZE&feature=youtu.be via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2KhR6Ox
Remembering Terry Fox, cancer amputee runner across Canada for cancer research - 4 minutes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1QOtPDAAeY via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2KtfCbf
Remembering Terry Fox, cancer amputee runner across Canada for cancer research - 4 minutes
Submitted June 29, 2018 at 12:07AM by fluffykerfuffle1 https://ift.tt/2KtfCbf
jueves, 28 de junio de 2018
Superbolt's struggling with this whole "bark" thing
Submitted June 28, 2018 at 09:04PM by Bitani https://ift.tt/2KwEQce
Superbolt's struggling with this whole "bark" thing
https://youtu.be/qoxUkfNYTug via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2KwEQce
Ridiculous footage of arrest by Police in Canadian convenience store
https://ift.tt/2lHfcn0 via /r/videos https://ift.tt/2MyNAvP
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